Manhattan Beach Pier from a photo by Dan Bradford
18" x 24" Oil on canvas Framed My good friend Pastor Dan Bradford takes excellent photos in the South Bay area of LA County. His photo of Manhattan Beach pier at sunset was terrific and was just what I wanted to paint. Pastor Dan has a real heart for the hurting in the homeless community in the South Bay and weekly is at the piers and beaches where many homeless live. |
Victory Academy Sherwood Oregon
14" x 18" Acrylic on canvas Framed NOT FOR SALE This painting was done for the annual Victory auction held in October 2016. My daughter Heather is a close friend of Tricia Hasbrook the founder of Victory Academy. Heather tries to fly from Colorado to Oregon to attend the auctions when she can. In 2015, Heather told me the school would be in a new building. Heather suggested I consider doing a painting of the new school. A couple weeks before the October 2016 auction I was in touch with Tricia about submitting a painting. Our discussion led to my receipt of several photos and the school project was launched. Because of time constraints the painting was done in fast drying acrylics which is a medium used by me often for buildings such as churches. The story of the Academy is a rich story; I often tell friends I know someone who saw a need and met it by starting a school. I was honored to submit two paintings to the October 2016 auction. |
Noisy Creek from a photo by Andrea Fountain
11" x 14" Acrylic on canvas Andrea is a missionary in Slovenia and has made a couple great photos available for painting. This scene is from the state of Washington not Europe. Ione Washington has Noisy Creek and YouTube videos portray a really loud noise as the creek heads to Baker Lake. |
Nehemiah Petitions Artaxerxes
20" x 20" Acrylic on canvas I did this painting for a sermon series at our church on Nehemiah the wall builder. I researched. The name of the queen is not clear but Artaxexes had a long and productive reign over Persia. Some rebellions were put down but in later years unrest contributed to the fall of the empire. Nehemiah was cup bearer to the king. Apparently as many as ten thousand were fed daily at the king's palaces. Since the queen was present I assumed this was a more private meeting. I show Nehemiah using cups to describe for the king the gates of Jerusalem. Though Nehemiah had to go Jerusalem to assess the walls etc. he was allocated lumber ahead of his trip; I assumed he had to make a presentation for how much he needed. |
Lone Tree at Yosemite from a photo by Rich Steip
12" x 16" Oil on board Framed I think my friend Rich Steip spends his entire day taking photos. For some reason this painting came together easily though I redid a couple things at the end. I was about to add leaves to the tree but several folks advised against it. I think they were correct. My framer Jon Thornton did a great job putting a liner inside the frame. |
West Virginia Church from a photo by Phil Toomey
14" x 18" Oil on board Framed My friend Phil Toomey came across this simple elegant church driving through West Virginia. Difficult to paint for many reasons. The subject matter had three basic colors and those colors for some reason did not want to work with the wooden board. I repainted this many times to get the colors right and the church size and landscape setting in harmony. |
Coast at Rancho Palos Verdes CA
2' x 2.5' Oil on canvas Framed in a beautiful wood frame This painting is from a photo by Rich Steip. I started it and put it aside for several weeks. It was somewhat difficult to get the ocean the mystery dark color I wanted. After I finished I realized the sky was too somber and painted over it a couple times. It is not unusual for the sea to be dark and the sky much brighter. I was pleased with the final result; this was my first larger landscape in the coastal area of Rancho Palos Verdes. It always fascinates me folks often live here for the ocean and seem to carry that love over to the art they own. I would have thought more art would be of different themes and different geographic locations. Of course I generalize. |
Point Vicente Lighthouse and Statice Flowers Rancho Palos Verdes CA 2016
Based on photo by Rich Steip Oil on canvas Framed NOT FOR SALE My friend Rich Steip continues to supply me with excellent photos and he keeps traveling so there are plenty. I also research similar scenes or personally observe and then go for it. Statice flowers do well in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County. The Point Vicente Lighthouse is a popular attraction. |
Battle of Franklin Tennessee November 30, 1864
4' x 3' Acrylic on canvas I visited Franklin Tenn in 2014. There are buildings with damage and even blood stains after all these years. One hundred and fifty years ago on November 30, 1864 the last gasp of a mobile Confederate army was essentially destroyed at Franklin. What was left of the army that had been driven from Atlanta by General Sherman tried at first to lure Sherman away but when Sherman did not bite this Confederate Army headed to try to capture Nashville. In five bloody hours without waiting for their own artillery the Confederates smashed into a dug in army at Franklin. Many hundreds and many generals died as the band played Dixie. This painting tries to capture the horror in a semi abstract way. I did this painting in 2014 but changed much of the color and added more flags in 2016. |
Kentucky Snow
14" x 18" Oil on wood board Framed in a beautiful silver wood frame My friend Rich Steip has provided several photos of a Kentucky snow storm in 2015. This painting was redone several times to get everything right including the sky and the barbed wire fence. The technique on the barbed wire fence was fairly new to me. Darker layers were painted beneath the snow and then at the right time lines were scratched revealing dark lines. The technique is more difficult than it sounds because the rest of the painting around the lines has to be correct before the painting is finished. If the surrounding area is not correct the entire process to reveal lines may have to be repeated. |
Danielle Skiing Above the Clouds at Timberline Ski Resort Mount Hood Oregon
12" x 16" Oil on canvas NOT FOR SALE My good friend and former law colleague Andrew Shull now has several of my paintings. He has an oil from over 50 years ago and also the oil I painted this year when I returned to that medium. He has given me some photos of him and his wife Danielle skiing at Timberline Lodge,Mount Hood Oregon. The painting “Danielle Skiing Above the Clouds ...” shows a common event where one can literally look down on the shaded area of the ski resort and be in total sunlight. I worked from the photo I was given but changed the colors slightly being true to what I think it looks like. It was difficult to paint a small figure and have it recognizable as a skier and it took about fifteen attempts. I kept the painting simple and did not try to bring objects out of the shadows and eliminated some distractions. |
Empty Pews
12" x 16" Oil on canvas board Framed in a black floater frame My good friend Todd Martinson got down on the floor to take an extraordinary photo inside the First United Methodist Church in Seattle. Photo taken in 2012 and my painting while not copying the photo exactly is fairly true to the light patterns he captured. This painting shows an empty church; but light creeps in. Will this church sustain or not? It may have to do with numbers. It may have to do with withstanding winds of doctrine. It may have to do with letting in light. See the book of Ephesians |
Flowers Arranged by Shawna
11" x 14" Oil on canvas NOT FOR SALE This painting was done in a looser style that I employed many years ago. Shawna and her husband are good friends and on a recent visit showed me a photo of a flower arrangement in their dining area. I jumped in, added and subtracted, made some modest color changes and am very happy with the end painting. I particularly like the vibrancy of the softer colors and how the colors all seem to work together. The vase worked well as you can see the stems inside (through the magic of painting). |
Night Oyster Fisherman Chesapeake Bay
14" x 18" Oil on board Framed in a heavy gold wood frame NOT FOR SALE My brother in law Michael J. Reber is an outstanding photographer and loves the Chesapeake Bay. He and his wife Mary Jane want the great resource that is the Bay and that we have damaged fully restored. I did an abstract painting for them of a skipjack oyster dredging sailboat. I had researched skipjacks so when I was inspired by a photo of his of skipjack Kathryn, my painting of that name was easier. (The Kathryn is a National Historic Landmark and is being restored). I was also much taken with another photo of Mike's taken some years ago. He calls the photo Cold Harvest and it was taken off Annapolis. His photo and similarly my painting show a waterman dressed for the cold and dredging for oysters in a patent tonger. The fisherman means business no matter the time of day or weather conditions. I honestly knew little of the boat or mechanics until done as I had copied his slide to a disk without his information. Mary Jane informs the oyster boat called a patent tonger is named after the equipment used to gather oysters. It's a 4' x 4' grab using hydraulics to lower, grab and collect the oysters. |
Boat at Sunset Golden Cove Rancho Palos Verdes CA 2015
Based on photo by Rich Steip 16" x 20" Oil on board NOT FOR SALE My good friend Rich Steip provided yet another great photo which inspired me. The boat on the copper sea – where has it been. Is the sea too big or the boat too insignificant? I like the Pacific Ocean having spent three years in the Philippines and Vietnam. And both my parents are buried near Midway Island. In any event the rolling copper sea is deep and powerful and holds mysteries. |
Kansas Wheat Harvest from photo by Andrew Shull
12" x 12" Acrylic on canvas NOT FOR SALE This painting was done over a period of time and I redid the wheat field a couple of times. The painting is based on a photo from my great friend Andrew Shull whose family farms wheat in Kansas amongst other endeavors. |
Yosemite Bridge from a photo by Rich Steip
16" x 20" Oil on board Framed in heavy gold wood frame The bridge in Yosemite in the photo supplied by my good friend and excellent photographer Rich Steip has been depicted many times. I experimented with color to make the scene come alive and simplified some of the landscape. I did keep the shadow references much as they were in the original photo. Viewers so far have like the depiction of the water; I put my initial effort into many layers of paint to give the water the right look. I made the redwood tree on the left have personality and hit on a way to show some of the rocks covered by water. I possibly could have further decreased the number of rocks on both sides of the river but everything in the composition points to or emphasizes or contains the water. |
Kentucky After a Snow Storm from photos by Rich Steip
12" x 16" Oil on canvas board NOT FOR SALE My friend Rich Steip visited family in Kentucky in the spring of 2015 and was there for much snow. Rich took some excellent photos. This particular scene had several features which were omitted in the final painting; but the inspiration came from the photo which was fantastic. I omitted a barn or shed that was close in on the right as well as some fencing just behind the trees. These features were not necessary and prevented the viewer being taken easily to the ridge line. The canvas is not framed at this time. |
Old Red Barn in Franklin Tennessee
12" x 16" Oil on canvas board Framed I made two recent trips to Franklin and enjoy the polite Southern culture and Civil War history. This barn is close to a home and back from the road. Black wood fences are popular in Franklin. I liked the casual deterioration of the structure which may still be in some use. I drove by this barn several times. The frame can be changed out for a more elaborate one. |
Jason Surfing at PV Cove from Photo by Dr. Ed Anorga
14" x 18" Oil on wood board NOT FOR SALE This framed oil was inspired by a photo taken by my good friend Dr. Ed Anorga. It is of Jason, a surfing friend of Doctor Ed’s son. The painting seemed to come together quickly but was a challenge nevertheless. Doctor Eddy and I debated the title but PV Cove near the PV Peninsula area of LA County is what stuck. The frame is a beautiful substantial gold wood. |
Catholic Church in Slovenia from a photo by Andrea Fountain
16" x 20" Oil on canvas Framed in beautiful wood frame I met Christena and Shawn Werdebaugh in Salem Oregon last year while they were home on leave as missionaries to Slovenia. I have visited that general area and asked if they would send me a good photo. Andrea Fountain is also a missionary there and she provided this photo of the church of Saint Bartholomew in Kočevje Slovenia. I took minor artistic license with the church and adjacent buildings while being truer to the water and vegetation. I hope the painting has done justice to the remarkable deep blue water in the foreground as well as the vibrant marsh colors. I really enjoyed painting this painting. This is the fourth or maybe fifth church I have painted, one fifty years ago in Venice and the others more recent. |
Skipjack Kathryn Working off Sandy Point Chesapeake Bay from a photo by Michael J. Reber
12" x 16" Oil on canvas Framed in black floating frame My brother-in-law Michael J. Reber is an outstanding photographer and loves the Chesapeake Bay. He and his wife Mary Jane want the great resource that is the Bay and that we have damaged fully restored. I did an abstract painting for them of a skipjack oyster dredging sailboat (Sailing in Close). I had researched skipjacks so when I was inspired by a photo of his of skipjack Kathryn taken some years ago when she was working off Annapolis my painting of that name was easier. (The Kathryn is a National Historic Landmark and is being restored). The skipjack is the state boat of Maryland. There are only a half dozen or so left. They dredge for oysters and are allowed a push boat at the stern to sometimes push them around as they work. |
Thompson Sloop SoulMate Underway
24" x 30" Acrylic on canvas NOT FOR SALE The abstract painting has just a hint of rigging (the forestay). SoulMate is a 46 foot Hunter 460 sloop that is well traveled and I am sure has provided much enjoyment and adventure to the owners Rick and Janie Thompson. They provided the photo taken 2010 and shows SoulMate inside Los Angeles Harbor sailing west toward the breakwater (the breakwater was deleted in the painting to give the feel of an open ocean). Although streamlined in the abstract painting the Jib or foresail is furled around the forestay. The painting was done for an exhibit at King's Harbor Church Torrance California "Freedom". |
Yosemite from photo by Rich Steip
15" x 18" Oil on canvas NOT FOR SALE I started this painting in a class on the painter Paul Jean Martel and his style. I finished it at home. Other than an oil portrait done in a class I had not painted in oils for many years. The photo of the scene was taken by good friend Rich Steip who is an excellent photographer. In the class the teacher wanted us to copy a Martel painting but I chose to use my Steip photo as the scenes were similar. |
Windy Gorge
18" x 14" Acrylic on canvas NOT FOR SALE This painting depicts a solitary windsurfer in the Columbia River Gorge. I did it for my friend Drew Lianopoulos on his retirement from the Oregon Department of Justice. The sail is simplified without numbers or struts and there are no other surfers in the view. |
Cattle Gate in the Rain
16" x 20" Acrylic on canvas I made several efforts and then simply built up new layers on top of existing layers. Underneath all was the shape of a gate with sky showing through. The rain is of course abstract but the underlying image can faintly be understood the more one looks at the painting. This technique of real covered by abstract is one I want to pursue. |
60" x 20" Acrylic on canvas Framed in a black floater frame This painting is the third in a trilogy of spray acrylic on a long narrow canvas. I first tried the painting on a 30 by 48 canvas to see how it would work. The spray acrylic was perfect for creating a mysterious group of three large sea creatures as seen from above. They are not in shallow water and there is no shadow. I was pleased with all three paintings but believe the spray technique was exceptionally suited to space and to water. I will try some more. |
Satellite Disintegrating
60" x 20" Acrylic on canvas Framed in a black floater frame This was my initial effort using spray acrylic paint. After some practice I designed the theme which was built around objects in space. My grandchildren helped with taping objects and my oldest grandson Daniel helped with the initial blasts of paint over the taped areas. I then went back over the work several times after cleaning up the objects and tried to give the painting not only the disintegration idea but also objects moving left to right. At least that is how I see the painting when I look at it. Spray acrylic is perfect for depicting imaginative space scenes. |
Fiona Skippering a 420 at Islesboro Maine
8" x 9.5" This painting is from a photo supplied by Casey M. Casey is my excellent physical therapist in Rolling Hills California. His family sails at Islesboro Maine in the summer. His daughter Fiona is shown as skipper of a 420 sailboat. I first read about this boat and viewed images and videos of it online. |
Summer in Franklin Tennessee
14" x 11" Acrylic on canvas NOT FOR SALE I visited Franklin Tennessee in the summer of 2014. A significant battle of the Civil War occurred there about 150 years ago. The scenery in the countryside is terrific and this barn is one of many types of barns. The vegetation has a richness to it. |
Ms Saigon - Street Vendor 1970
20" x 16" Acrylic on canvas The painting was a long time in process. I took a photo when visiting Saigon in 1970. Saigon was vibrant with many military people going about. Australians, Americans you name it. I was struck by a woman with a cheerful expression resting while all around was hustle and bustle. And in particular the contrast of young men skateboarding while she would walk and carry a burden. The photo captured a blue setting and the color in the painting similarly reflects the city in a different way like paintings of night scenes in cities provide a different look. To focus on “Ms Saigon” some distracting vehicles removed and only skateboarders remain as a contrast to her. |

Colored Stripes
24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting started with excess paint from other work and then was next worked on at a birthday party for my granddaughter. At the party the girls could all paint at their own easel but also add to this canvas. Later I went over it a couple times saving what worked and changing what did not.
24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting started with excess paint from other work and then was next worked on at a birthday party for my granddaughter. At the party the girls could all paint at their own easel but also add to this canvas. Later I went over it a couple times saving what worked and changing what did not.

Jory Hill Road South - Salem
24" x 18"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting is of a home outside Salem Oregon. The artist and his wife raised five children in this home which has acreage and a swimming pool. The property was owned from 1980 to 2014. The home is surrounded by the greenery that contributes to the great quality of life in Oregon.
24" x 18"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting is of a home outside Salem Oregon. The artist and his wife raised five children in this home which has acreage and a swimming pool. The property was owned from 1980 to 2014. The home is surrounded by the greenery that contributes to the great quality of life in Oregon.

Walk in the Light
6' x 4'
Acrylic on canvas
When in college at Oberlin in Ohio I worked in a kitchen. Ethel was a cook and I attended her small church a couple of times. I remember the African American choir proceeding in swaying and singing “Walk in the Light. Jesus shines bright”. I got input for this “I Am the Light” painting from several members of King's Harbor Church in Torrance. The painting is my largest. I researched what is meant by “I Am the Light” as set out in the gospel of John. There are several opinions.
6' x 4'
Acrylic on canvas
When in college at Oberlin in Ohio I worked in a kitchen. Ethel was a cook and I attended her small church a couple of times. I remember the African American choir proceeding in swaying and singing “Walk in the Light. Jesus shines bright”. I got input for this “I Am the Light” painting from several members of King's Harbor Church in Torrance. The painting is my largest. I researched what is meant by “I Am the Light” as set out in the gospel of John. There are several opinions.

Roses on Wall
11" x 14"
Acrylic on canvas
This is the third time I have used a decorative retaining wall in our back yard along with flowers to make a painting.
11" x 14"
Acrylic on canvas
This is the third time I have used a decorative retaining wall in our back yard along with flowers to make a painting.

Sandbar at Avenue A Redondo Beach
20" x 16"
Acrylic on canvas
A friend liked my larger abstract painting Sandbars because it reminded him of a time off Avenue A in Redondo Beach California when he and his son were swimming. His son lost his strength. By a miracle there was a sandbar there which provided respite for recovery. My friend told his son "put your feet down". They then continued swimming. I tried to capture in an abstract way what a swimmer might see of the buildings along the shore though they do have a surreal almost Star Wars quality. I am very pleased with the way the blues of the ocean and the sky complement each other.
20" x 16"
Acrylic on canvas
A friend liked my larger abstract painting Sandbars because it reminded him of a time off Avenue A in Redondo Beach California when he and his son were swimming. His son lost his strength. By a miracle there was a sandbar there which provided respite for recovery. My friend told his son "put your feet down". They then continued swimming. I tried to capture in an abstract way what a swimmer might see of the buildings along the shore though they do have a surreal almost Star Wars quality. I am very pleased with the way the blues of the ocean and the sky complement each other.

Freedom Tower Rising
24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
Freedom Tower Rising honors Kenneth Frederick Rice III, the nephew of a good friend. Kenneth lost his life when a plane hit his work place on 9/11. The painting was made from a photo of the Freedom Tower or One World Trade Center as it appeared under construction. The photo was taken by Douglas Borstel. The scene captures excellent angles and perspective and the spirit of the building.
24" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
Freedom Tower Rising honors Kenneth Frederick Rice III, the nephew of a good friend. Kenneth lost his life when a plane hit his work place on 9/11. The painting was made from a photo of the Freedom Tower or One World Trade Center as it appeared under construction. The photo was taken by Douglas Borstel. The scene captures excellent angles and perspective and the spirit of the building.

Sailing in Close
24" x 18"
Acrylic on canvas
Sailing in Close was done for a sister-in-law who lives on the Chesapeake Bay. My brother-in-law is an excellent professional photographer. They love and want to reserve the traditions and resources that are part of the Chesapeake Bay. The Skipjack oyster dredging sailboat is the state boat of Maryland. In an abstract display the painting shows a Skipjack going about its work. Very few of these boats remain. To enable them to be commercially viable they are permitted to have a motorized boat push them around a couple days a week. In the painting although no rigging is shown you can see a push boat hanging off the stern. As I painted the colors changed several times. Particularly the large triangle on the left was originally to be green but green did not work and yellow gave the painting its character. The sails on the boat were originally a light tan but again that color did not work as my wife pointed out and the sails became light blue. The colors in the painting balance each other and tie the painting together.
24" x 18"
Acrylic on canvas
Sailing in Close was done for a sister-in-law who lives on the Chesapeake Bay. My brother-in-law is an excellent professional photographer. They love and want to reserve the traditions and resources that are part of the Chesapeake Bay. The Skipjack oyster dredging sailboat is the state boat of Maryland. In an abstract display the painting shows a Skipjack going about its work. Very few of these boats remain. To enable them to be commercially viable they are permitted to have a motorized boat push them around a couple days a week. In the painting although no rigging is shown you can see a push boat hanging off the stern. As I painted the colors changed several times. Particularly the large triangle on the left was originally to be green but green did not work and yellow gave the painting its character. The sails on the boat were originally a light tan but again that color did not work as my wife pointed out and the sails became light blue. The colors in the painting balance each other and tie the painting together.

Abandoned-Morrow County Oregon
30" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
Framed in a black floating frame
Abandoned-Morrow County Oregon is a surreal painting of an abandoned house on the plain. In 2009 my good friend Todd Martinson shot the photo from which the painting was made. From the photo there appear to be pock marks on the wood (though not emphasized in the painting). Todd did not know what those might be; if the building was shot at by cowboys in Eastern Oregon it is wonderful the building has not been destroyed. The pock marks could also be from quail hunters prevalent in that area.
The house is in the middle of nowhere with only dead grass around the edges. One wonders who lived there. Why did they leave? Were they farmers or ranchers who could not make a go of it? Was their name Joad? Todd believes the structure could be as old as the 1930s as not much left inside though the roof looks to be in fair, if stained, condition. One hopes it did not house a family driven out by their race. I am very satisfied with the painting and it looks great on a wall. I also offer giclée prints on stretched canvas which look virtually like the original painting. Acrylic being largely two dimensional the giclée prints work wonderfully.
30" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
Framed in a black floating frame
Abandoned-Morrow County Oregon is a surreal painting of an abandoned house on the plain. In 2009 my good friend Todd Martinson shot the photo from which the painting was made. From the photo there appear to be pock marks on the wood (though not emphasized in the painting). Todd did not know what those might be; if the building was shot at by cowboys in Eastern Oregon it is wonderful the building has not been destroyed. The pock marks could also be from quail hunters prevalent in that area.
The house is in the middle of nowhere with only dead grass around the edges. One wonders who lived there. Why did they leave? Were they farmers or ranchers who could not make a go of it? Was their name Joad? Todd believes the structure could be as old as the 1930s as not much left inside though the roof looks to be in fair, if stained, condition. One hopes it did not house a family driven out by their race. I am very satisfied with the painting and it looks great on a wall. I also offer giclée prints on stretched canvas which look virtually like the original painting. Acrylic being largely two dimensional the giclée prints work wonderfully.

Saint John Vianney Chapel Balboa Island CA
30" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
The original of this painting was for very good friends who commissioned it. Their youngest daughter was married in this chapel which is on the main street of Balboa Island in Orange County California. Saint John Vianney is the patron saint of parish priests. He apparently had a difficult education as he grew up in France during the era of the Napoleonic Wars. While it took time to complete I enjoyed creating the painting.
30" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
The original of this painting was for very good friends who commissioned it. Their youngest daughter was married in this chapel which is on the main street of Balboa Island in Orange County California. Saint John Vianney is the patron saint of parish priests. He apparently had a difficult education as he grew up in France during the era of the Napoleonic Wars. While it took time to complete I enjoyed creating the painting.

Jesus After Feeding the Four Thousand
40" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
Painting depicts Jesus at a steering oar of a fishing boat leaving the east side of the Sea of Galilee after Feeding the Four Thousand as set out in Mark chapter 8 and Matthew chapter 15. This painting was done for any exhibition at King's Harbor Church, Torrance, California.
40" x 30"
Acrylic on canvas
Painting depicts Jesus at a steering oar of a fishing boat leaving the east side of the Sea of Galilee after Feeding the Four Thousand as set out in Mark chapter 8 and Matthew chapter 15. This painting was done for any exhibition at King's Harbor Church, Torrance, California.

Mexican Sage
24" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
The colors are in a granddaughter's room; the flowers grow in our garden in Los Angeles County
24" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
The colors are in a granddaughter's room; the flowers grow in our garden in Los Angeles County

Amish Girl on Train
11" x 14"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting needs little explanation. The portions are big and the little girl is thankful. I got to know her grandparents in Union Station in Chicago and later visited them in Indiana.
11" x 14"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting needs little explanation. The portions are big and the little girl is thankful. I got to know her grandparents in Union Station in Chicago and later visited them in Indiana.

12" x 12"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting had a life of its own as three granddaughters had input and some brush strokes. The title came from one theme of the painting which is disorganization in nature. The school bus reminds some viewers of tragedy but I see the bus as a hopeful sign in a confusing world.
12" x 12"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting had a life of its own as three granddaughters had input and some brush strokes. The title came from one theme of the painting which is disorganization in nature. The school bus reminds some viewers of tragedy but I see the bus as a hopeful sign in a confusing world.

Children at Pond
24" x 18"
Acrylic on canvas
This was for one of my daughters to give to a friend whose children are the subject of the painting.
24" x 18"
Acrylic on canvas
This was for one of my daughters to give to a friend whose children are the subject of the painting.

Pratum Oregon Co-Op
30" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
Pratum, Oregon is a small unincorporated community northeast of Salem, Oregon in Marion County. It has a small school where exceptional teaching occurs in part due to the rural atmosphere. Students go on to excel in academics, sports and music at Silverton High School. A significant amount of agricultural business occurs at Pratum Co-op. This includes processing of tons and tons of grass seed for eventual use in lawns. Pratum also boasts a beautiful grain elevator; it is no longer used due to a slight lean in the structure. Some day it may have to come down. My good friend Todd Martinson took an excellent photo which I settled on to do the painting. The painting of this beautiful structure took many days; the original has been sold to the manager of the Co-op.
30" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
Pratum, Oregon is a small unincorporated community northeast of Salem, Oregon in Marion County. It has a small school where exceptional teaching occurs in part due to the rural atmosphere. Students go on to excel in academics, sports and music at Silverton High School. A significant amount of agricultural business occurs at Pratum Co-op. This includes processing of tons and tons of grass seed for eventual use in lawns. Pratum also boasts a beautiful grain elevator; it is no longer used due to a slight lean in the structure. Some day it may have to come down. My good friend Todd Martinson took an excellent photo which I settled on to do the painting. The painting of this beautiful structure took many days; the original has been sold to the manager of the Co-op.

Trinity Church Beverly Chicago
30" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
The idea for this painting came from the occasion of my best friend Charlie Bowers' 50th wedding anniversary. He met his wife through Trinity church. The painting shows Trinity United Methodist Church in Beverly Hills Chicago, the church we grew up in at 99th and Winchester on Chicago's South Side. Beverly Hills is a community in the city of Chicago and the church is thus 99 blocks south of downtown. Several photos and looks were considered; Edris Hoover supplied the best. She has been a mainstay of this church; also her father John Bailey years ago supported youth in winter paper drives and whatever else was needed. The wonderful Gothic structure is still a church but the
congregation is small and has been overtaken by the growth of the local Catholic Parish.
Parts of the building are now rented out. The church auditorium has seen many youth operettas (for which we sold program ads by peddling our bikes truly miles away to find businesses some of whom probably never heard of the church). In its heyday the local public grade school, Sutherland, dismissed early for the Trinity bazaar (and in those years a slide show of the nativity was shown in the school). The church was strongest under pastor Kermit Long and for a time my mother was church secretary. We brought in outside speakers for community events and I recall coming back from Wisconsin in a blizzard so my friend Charlie (who later became a Navy pilot) could hear Werner Von Braun who was making a national tour. In 2016 I decided to correct what some thought was distortion in the perspective and did so and thus the painting while I consider it a 2012 painting it was amended in 2016.
30" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
The idea for this painting came from the occasion of my best friend Charlie Bowers' 50th wedding anniversary. He met his wife through Trinity church. The painting shows Trinity United Methodist Church in Beverly Hills Chicago, the church we grew up in at 99th and Winchester on Chicago's South Side. Beverly Hills is a community in the city of Chicago and the church is thus 99 blocks south of downtown. Several photos and looks were considered; Edris Hoover supplied the best. She has been a mainstay of this church; also her father John Bailey years ago supported youth in winter paper drives and whatever else was needed. The wonderful Gothic structure is still a church but the
congregation is small and has been overtaken by the growth of the local Catholic Parish.
Parts of the building are now rented out. The church auditorium has seen many youth operettas (for which we sold program ads by peddling our bikes truly miles away to find businesses some of whom probably never heard of the church). In its heyday the local public grade school, Sutherland, dismissed early for the Trinity bazaar (and in those years a slide show of the nativity was shown in the school). The church was strongest under pastor Kermit Long and for a time my mother was church secretary. We brought in outside speakers for community events and I recall coming back from Wisconsin in a blizzard so my friend Charlie (who later became a Navy pilot) could hear Werner Von Braun who was making a national tour. In 2016 I decided to correct what some thought was distortion in the perspective and did so and thus the painting while I consider it a 2012 painting it was amended in 2016.

4' x 3'
Acrylic on canvas
Abstract suns and rain above the ocean.
4' x 3'
Acrylic on canvas
Abstract suns and rain above the ocean.

Oklahoma Guitar
4' x 3'
Acrylic on canvas
The painting captures two of the four Oklahoma State University colors in an abstract theme. The teeth in the middle strip were a last minute idea; everyone now sees a guitar.
4' x 3'
Acrylic on canvas
The painting captures two of the four Oklahoma State University colors in an abstract theme. The teeth in the middle strip were a last minute idea; everyone now sees a guitar.

Battle of Britain
5' x 4'
Acrylic on canvas
This large acrylic was plotted carefully and as the painting progressed it evolved into Battle of Britain. As in any abstract the viewer must construct the real picture out of what has been painted.
5' x 4'
Acrylic on canvas
This large acrylic was plotted carefully and as the painting progressed it evolved into Battle of Britain. As in any abstract the viewer must construct the real picture out of what has been painted.

Industrial Revolution II
14" x 11"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting replaced a less colorful version that was in a friend's office in Salem, Oregon. I needed the first one back so replaced it with this abstract. I like the idea of a bug-monster in the middle of urban life.
14" x 11"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting replaced a less colorful version that was in a friend's office in Salem, Oregon. I needed the first one back so replaced it with this abstract. I like the idea of a bug-monster in the middle of urban life.

Nuclear Winter
30" x 40"
Acrylic on canvas
My oral surgeon had a blank wall in front of the chair where new patients sit. The doctor required the painting to be colorful. Hopefully the abstract quality distracts from the procedures to follow while the colors bring encouragement and confidence.
30" x 40"
Acrylic on canvas
My oral surgeon had a blank wall in front of the chair where new patients sit. The doctor required the painting to be colorful. Hopefully the abstract quality distracts from the procedures to follow while the colors bring encouragement and confidence.

Bowl of Fruit
14" x 11"
Acrylic on canvas
I retired in 2011 from my day job and resumed painting after many years of inactivity. Bowl of Fruit was an initial step. It is with a friend in Portland, Oregon and the friend then purchased Hydrangeas by Wall.
14" x 11"
Acrylic on canvas
I retired in 2011 from my day job and resumed painting after many years of inactivity. Bowl of Fruit was an initial step. It is with a friend in Portland, Oregon and the friend then purchased Hydrangeas by Wall.

Unseen Seen Cabrillo Beach
20" x 16"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting captured a grandson at Cabrillo Beach in Los Angeles County. He seems to contemplate the forces of nature and the spirit of God. Look closely to see the shark on his swim trunks. My daughter said she wished he hadn't been wearing sunglasses. While I could have easily painted them out they add to the painting.
20" x 16"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting captured a grandson at Cabrillo Beach in Los Angeles County. He seems to contemplate the forces of nature and the spirit of God. Look closely to see the shark on his swim trunks. My daughter said she wished he hadn't been wearing sunglasses. While I could have easily painted them out they add to the painting.

Hydrangeas by Wall
24" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
A good friend in Oregon wanted a painting for her office. These flowers took a lot of time to figure out and I took many photographs of possibilities. The original pink was changed to blue. The friend also obtained another painting: Bowl of Fruit.
24" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
A good friend in Oregon wanted a painting for her office. These flowers took a lot of time to figure out and I took many photographs of possibilities. The original pink was changed to blue. The friend also obtained another painting: Bowl of Fruit.

Willamette University College of Law
24" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting was to fill a space in the new Espresso Bar area at the College of Law for then Dean Symeon Symonides. But the space became filled. Dean Peter Letsou and Associate Dean Danny Santos agreed to purchase the painting and place it on another wall. The painting shows the five races going in and out of the school with the Lady Justice off to the side. Half the proceeds went to the Willamette Auction for Legal Aid purposes.
24" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas
This painting was to fill a space in the new Espresso Bar area at the College of Law for then Dean Symeon Symonides. But the space became filled. Dean Peter Letsou and Associate Dean Danny Santos agreed to purchase the painting and place it on another wall. The painting shows the five races going in and out of the school with the Lady Justice off to the side. Half the proceeds went to the Willamette Auction for Legal Aid purposes.

Da Nang South Vietnam (1969)
20" x 16"
The original painting was done in South Vietnam in 1969 and framed on a trip to Taiwan. It was given to my commanding officer Captain George Dowd JAGC, USNR. I recently borrowed the painting from him and cleaned and varnished it. Then I had it scanned to be able to make giclée prints on archival paper or stretched canvas.
20" x 16"
The original painting was done in South Vietnam in 1969 and framed on a trip to Taiwan. It was given to my commanding officer Captain George Dowd JAGC, USNR. I recently borrowed the painting from him and cleaned and varnished it. Then I had it scanned to be able to make giclée prints on archival paper or stretched canvas.

Flag of an Emerging Nation (1968)
18.5" x 23.5"
Acrylic on board
I believe this painting was done in 1968 while I was stationed with the Navy at Subic Bay, R.P. I kept layering and blending acrylic paint until I arrived at this result. A son in law Duke Reed prefers paintings where he cannot recognize anything. But of course even abstract paintings have titles which direct the viewer to some potential theme in the painting. In any event Mr. Reed has the painting.
18.5" x 23.5"
Acrylic on board
I believe this painting was done in 1968 while I was stationed with the Navy at Subic Bay, R.P. I kept layering and blending acrylic paint until I arrived at this result. A son in law Duke Reed prefers paintings where he cannot recognize anything. But of course even abstract paintings have titles which direct the viewer to some potential theme in the painting. In any event Mr. Reed has the painting.

Texas Sniper (1968)
23.5" x 19"
Acrylic on Canvas Board
I painted this while in the Navy in the Philippines in 1968. When the painting was in the framing shop at Subic Bay a sailor came in and wanted to buy it. Like all Americans I was captured by the enormous harm at the University of Texas on August 1, 1966. The motivation of Charles Whitman (the Texas sniper) will never be fully understood. A theory is he ingested poisoned water while in the Marines which caused a brain tumor that affected his reasoning. Many many injured and seventeen died - plus his wife and mother died earlier. Whitman took an over 200 foot vantage point in the Texas Bell Tower. My painting tries to capture the torment of Whitman and his many victims (including an unborn child).
23.5" x 19"
Acrylic on Canvas Board
I painted this while in the Navy in the Philippines in 1968. When the painting was in the framing shop at Subic Bay a sailor came in and wanted to buy it. Like all Americans I was captured by the enormous harm at the University of Texas on August 1, 1966. The motivation of Charles Whitman (the Texas sniper) will never be fully understood. A theory is he ingested poisoned water while in the Marines which caused a brain tumor that affected his reasoning. Many many injured and seventeen died - plus his wife and mother died earlier. Whitman took an over 200 foot vantage point in the Texas Bell Tower. My painting tries to capture the torment of Whitman and his many victims (including an unborn child).

Asahi Beer (1968)
Acrylic on paper
Acrylic on paper

Water Buffalo (1968)
Acrylic on canvas board
Acrylic on canvas board

Industrial Revolution I (1968)
39" x 9"
Acrylic on canvas board
Painted in the Philippines approximately 1968. I like the theme of a powerful force rampaging through civilization; especially if the force is ostensibly positive.
39" x 9"
Acrylic on canvas board
Painted in the Philippines approximately 1968. I like the theme of a powerful force rampaging through civilization; especially if the force is ostensibly positive.

Fruit Basket Burnetts Atherton CA 1964
16" x 19"
Acrylic on paper board
This painting was done during law school while living in Atherton CA. At some point I also owned an art gallery for a few months. The painting was framed by my mother in Chicago. In 2015 I took it apart and cleaned it and then slightly adjusted a perspective issue and changed the right side background color. Maybe some day I will change the background color again.
16" x 19"
Acrylic on paper board
This painting was done during law school while living in Atherton CA. At some point I also owned an art gallery for a few months. The painting was framed by my mother in Chicago. In 2015 I took it apart and cleaned it and then slightly adjusted a perspective issue and changed the right side background color. Maybe some day I will change the background color again.

Los Altos Hills Stanford (1964)
24" x 18"
Oil on canvas
This oil was done during school and is with a friend in Oregon.
24" x 18"
Oil on canvas
This oil was done during school and is with a friend in Oregon.

Guitar and Bongo Drums (1962)
Acrylic on canvas board
Acrylic on canvas board

Rooftops in Venice (1962)
Oil on canvas board
I painted this as I motored around Europe in the summer of 1962. I enjoyed painting on the spot directly from observation. This view was from the window where I was staying. The church of San Giuliano (San Zulian in Venetian dialect) is apparently the only church in Venice with the bell tower growing from the roof. The many others are stand alone structures. The painting was recently rediscovered by me having gone missing for a time. The reverse says it was painted July 1962 from the pension Berga in the early morning. I believe the church of San Giuliano was founded in the 9th century and rebuilt in the 12th and 16th centuries.
Oil on canvas board
I painted this as I motored around Europe in the summer of 1962. I enjoyed painting on the spot directly from observation. This view was from the window where I was staying. The church of San Giuliano (San Zulian in Venetian dialect) is apparently the only church in Venice with the bell tower growing from the roof. The many others are stand alone structures. The painting was recently rediscovered by me having gone missing for a time. The reverse says it was painted July 1962 from the pension Berga in the early morning. I believe the church of San Giuliano was founded in the 9th century and rebuilt in the 12th and 16th centuries.

Mask at Stanford (1962)
Acrylic on canvas board
I painted this at Stanford Law School my first year and gave it away. Not sure who had the mask but I enjoyed replicating the African look.
Acrylic on canvas board
I painted this at Stanford Law School my first year and gave it away. Not sure who had the mask but I enjoyed replicating the African look.

Landscape European Farm (1962)
Oil on canvas board
I traveled in many countries in the summer of 1962 but I think I did this while staying in Vienna Austria and the painting is of Yugoslavia. While in Yugoslavia I stayed on a farm and learned to cut hay with a scythe.
Oil on canvas board
I traveled in many countries in the summer of 1962 but I think I did this while staying in Vienna Austria and the painting is of Yugoslavia. While in Yugoslavia I stayed on a farm and learned to cut hay with a scythe.

Rijeka Yugoslavia (1962)
Oil on canvas board
I painted this while in Yugoslavia in the summer of 1962. Beautiful seaside port.
Oil on canvas board
I painted this while in Yugoslavia in the summer of 1962. Beautiful seaside port.

Maria Louisa Walla (1962)
Oil on canvas board
Maria Louisa lived in Vienna and I met her when she was with a group of Oberlin College students in the summer of 1962. Her father fought on the Russian front during World War II. I had some great tours of Vienna after I returned there from Hamburg by train having shipped my car home. Vienna a wonderful city and a true meeting of East and West. This painting was part of an impressionistic phase.
Oil on canvas board
Maria Louisa lived in Vienna and I met her when she was with a group of Oberlin College students in the summer of 1962. Her father fought on the Russian front during World War II. I had some great tours of Vienna after I returned there from Hamburg by train having shipped my car home. Vienna a wonderful city and a true meeting of East and West. This painting was part of an impressionistic phase.

Francoise Majorel (1962)
Oil on canvas board
I met Francoise in San Sebastian Spain in the Basque country in the summer of 1962. Her parents vacationed there. I also met an Englishman Tom Freemantle from Watford and traveled with him to Pamplona. I later visited Francoise at her home in Seine-et-Oise France and she later dropped in on my mother and aunts in Chicago while I was in law school. This painting was from an expressionist phase.
Oil on canvas board
I met Francoise in San Sebastian Spain in the Basque country in the summer of 1962. Her parents vacationed there. I also met an Englishman Tom Freemantle from Watford and traveled with him to Pamplona. I later visited Francoise at her home in Seine-et-Oise France and she later dropped in on my mother and aunts in Chicago while I was in law school. This painting was from an expressionist phase.